Been There, Done That


travel reflection

This entry has been extracted from the Exomemory Archive, and might have issues.

What’s the T-shirt?

На юг, затем на запад, север, восток ‐ туда, во всеобщий энергопоток.

First and foremost, why do I even travel? Surely I can’t be spending a shitload of money and time for nothing? Well, in all honesty, I can, but that’s not the case this time. Or so I think. There are many reasons why I do that, some of them may or may not make much sense to you, but they do for me. Here we go.

Places to go, people to see

I think you’re very nice. I think twinkle’s a nice word. So’s viridian. I met a lady once who had an imaginary fish.

I usually choose hostels for accommodation, and that is NOT because they are cheap. Well, for the most part. The main reason is, as you can easily guess, the sheer number of people who I meet while staying there. The common room and the kitchen is always filled with tons of like-minded guys and girls. And by like-minded I mean craving for communication with strangers.

By spending time with people from different cultures I vastly broaden (pun intended) my perception of the world. Time and time again, I see people doing something different, not in the way I am accustomed to. This seemingly trivial thing serves to remind me that my opinion is not the only one that has the right to exist. This, in turn, makes me more open-minded, which is, as I personally see it, one of the most important traits a human being can possess.

Apart from that, it’s really fun to hang out with all these people. Not that it isn’t fun to hang out with my local friends, but some diversity is always welcome.

The other thing is that I really enjoy just walking the streets, looking around, sitting in parks, taking in the architecture, views, and just people going about their daily lives. That gives me the relaxation and… detachment needed to sort my thoughts out. Of which there are always many.

Time to put the old horse down

Slacking off is my second nature. Not slacking off is the first one.

Of the more obvious things, I use the vacations to rest. You know, take all the time I can to sleep (which, thankfully, is a lot when on vacation), and generally slack off. Be lazy. This time was special, though, for I didn’t take my laptop with me and also purposefully wasn’t reading any news (apart from those on twitter). Really liked that change, really.

And that’s about it.

Companion cube

Area and state regulations do not allow the Companion Cube to remain here, alone and companionless.

So, you see that with my travelling preferences, it’s not anyone who I would be comfortable with as a companion. They must know to give me some space so I can be alone and think. They must also be alright with me hanging out with strangers (but are free to join). Now, don’t get me wrong: I don’t like to travel all alone. If not for all the other reasons, there is a purely practical one: who’s to watch my possessions (however few that might be) while I’m off to take a pee when in an airport? :)

And one more thing

Ugh… I wanted to write some dirty secret of mine here, but eventually decided against that. So, that’s it.

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